Samsung Electronics will continue to keep its customer service open in Ukraine despite the ongoing war instigated by Russia. The South Korean company said last weekend that it was extending its customer service there as it wanted to share the hardships and difficulties its Ukrainian customers are currently being forced to face due to the situation.
According to Korea timeSamsung Electronics’ Ukrainian subsidiary confirmed on Saturday (April 16) that it will operate remotely to offer services to customers who want their smartphones and other Samsung gadgets, including smartwatches and tablet PCs, repaired.
Although there is remote service, Samsung Electronics also has offline customer service centers that remain open in areas where business may still be conducted in the region. For locations where service centers are not available, the company will provide a free pick-up service.
Customers can also choose to simply send their smartphones and other Samsung devices to the center via courier. It has been revealed that for its remote customer service, Samsung Electronics is collaborating with Nova Poshta, a Ukrainian logistics company.
“Despite all the challenges Ukraine faces today, the company stands with Ukrainians, ensuring quality service to all who need it and supporting the work of as many service centers as possible,” said the Korea Times citing Samsung’s Ukrainian unit in a statement. regarding the expansion of its customer service in the country.
The company added, “Samsung Electronics looks forward to the day when we can all enjoy safe life again in every corner of Ukraine. Nowadays, when people’s lives and health are the most important thing, the company provides centers in the regions where it is possible.”
This isn’t the first time Samsung has reached out to Ukrainians. In March, he donated $6 million to the country’s Red Cross to help citizens affected by Russian attacks.
Meanwhile, it was also reported that a Ukrainian soldier was saved by his Samsung Galaxy smartphone while fighting the Russians. The soldier’s video is circulating online and has gone viral.