Billboard and Samsung Galaxy are hosting 3 nights of concerts at SXSW – Billboard

Billboard and Samsung Galaxy announced on Friday (February 18) that they are teaming up for an exciting lineup of concerts during 2022 SXSW.

the Samsung + Billboard present The Stage at SXSW The event will take place March 17-19 and will feature three consecutive nights of high-profile headliners at the Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park in Austin, Texas, the city’s newest outdoor live music venue. .

The concert series kicks off on Thursday March 17 with headliners Gunna and Young Thug, and on Friday March 18 Palm Tree Crew presents Kygo, backed by Frank Walker and Forester. To conclude the three-day event, on Saturday March 19, Shawn Mendes and Sebastian Yatra will take the stage. Throughout the three nights, participants can follow the sets of DJ Rosegold and DJ VRYWVY.

The event is sponsored by Samsung Galaxy, with Samsung Galaxy exclusively hosting the Friday and Saturday shows. The Samsung | Billboard Galaxy House at SXSW will offer attendees the opportunity to experience compelling panel content and interact with Samsung products on-site – including the all-new Samsung Galaxy S22 – as well as brand line activation, moments pop-ups, artist giveaways and consumer touchpoints at concerts.

Billboard donates a portion of ticket proceeds to the Waterloo Greenway Conservancy, a non-profit organization that aims to create an urban park system in partnership with the City of Austin. Waterloo Park, the first of the organization’s three phases, opened in 2021 to provide 11 acres of downtown green space, community programs, and performing arts and entertainment at the Moody Amphitheater.

For those wishing to experience the three-night musical extravaganza, a reserved number of tickets will be available exclusively to existing SXSW Music and Platinum badge holders and SXSW Music Festival wristband holders. Additionally, a limited number of tickets are open to the public starting Friday; find details and ticketing information here.

Billboard will be reporting live throughout this year’s SXSW, which takes over Austin from March 11-20, so be sure to visit and follow @billboard on Instagram and Twitter for the latest news and advertisement.

PMC is the major shareholder of SXSW and its brands are official media partners of SXSW.